Anyone own a home out there?

Posted on Apr 25, 2018 by

Save 1% – 3% of your home’s value for maintenance to eliminate surprises.

I thought so. Well, to you homeowners, and I am one as well, take heed and pay attention, because this information could save you more money than you ever imagined.

When you took ownership of your homestead, realtors, lenders, home inspectors, title companies and the insurance company failed to inform you your home needs an ongoing maintenance and reserve fund to care for and maintain your new asset over time.

Yes, indeed, approximately 1 % to 3 % of your home’s value, available, year to year, to perform seasonal chores, maintenance, and for replacing worn-out devices and elements over time. The figures are budget numbers for planning and eliminating surprises.

You see, all of the home’s elements that make it a home are made with a design life expectancy. From the roof ridge and shingles, to gutters and downspouts, to the paint and stain, to window glazing and screening, are made with a limited-use expectancy. It’s called design life expectancy. Things will need replacing over time.

Regular seasonal maintenance will extend the useful life expectancy of most of these elements; but prepare to replace many of them over time because they will age and lose performance going forward.

For most of us, our home is the largest asset we have, so taking good care of it… allowing your home to appreciate over time… is an investment in your future.

Click here to learn how HOMEfree® services can help you plan and budget to maintain your home over time.